We are a group of roleplayers who get together to play roleplaying games in central Birmingham (that’s UK, not Alabama). We meet every Thursday night, from around 6:30 to 11 in DIgbeth.
If you want to get in touch with us then pop on over to the Role Players Guild – Birmingham Facebook group. But don’t feel like you have to – you’re more than welcome to just come on down! You can also say hello to us on Blue Sky.
We currently meet in Hennesseys Bar, 30-31 Allison Street, Digbeth, Birmingham, B5 5TJ – which does amazing food and drink, and we are about 10 minutes walk from New Street station. Here’s a map of how to find us. The only cost is a £2 room hire fee.
Just some of the games which we have been run recently are:
- D&D
- Pathfinder
- Cthulhu
- Chivalry and Sorcery
- Vampire
- Savage Worlds
- Tunnels & Trolls
- Stars Without Number
- Fate
- Villains & Vigilantes
- Rolemaster
We are always happy to play something new if you want to come along and run your game.
If you want a venue for your regular game – come on down! – if you want to get into this amazing hobby – come on down!
We welcome all players and on your first night we can show you around, find a table that is playing something you might be interested in and get you into a game!